Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nothing to write about

I don't really have anything interesting to write about, but for some reason, I feel like I should...

I made it through the work week.  I don't want to get into details.  It was actually a very good thing I was doing, but it was mentally exhausting.  I was ecstatic Friday afternoon when I finally got home!  It's not over though.  Pretty much all of August is going to be this way.  But when we (my team and I) get through, things will feel so much better. continues to harass me with cake baking emails.  This makes me so angry, but I'm convinced now that I'll make Kaelyn's birthday cake.  It's like one of those things that you know, ahead of time, is a really bad idea, but you go ahead and do it anyway.  Most people that know me are trying to talk me out of it.  Not because they think I'll make a bad cake, but because they know I'll go insane and turn into a crazy she-bat when I decorate it.  People that don't know me think that I'll have so much fun, I'll bake cakes all the time...hah!

I woke up around 4:30 this morning...maybe a little later, because I had already turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep.  But I thought I heard a noise outside.  Actually, I'm sure I did.  It sounded like someone was rapping on the glass doors that lead from our bedroom to the backyard.  I woke Roger up and told him and he got up and checked and there was nothing there.  The cat was by the door...he thought there was another cat outside.  Totally possible, I guess.  We were both wide awake by then, so Roger got us coffee and we watched TV until Kaelyn woke up.  Once she was fed, I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 8:30!  To some people that may still be early, but to me it's like eternity.

Right now, I have a small reprieve in my day.  Kaelyn is napping and Roger went to Home Depot.  Our back splash is done, the house is clean and I truly feel like I can relax!  We're not doing much this weekend...we're both just so tired and are craving some quiet time.  Tonight after dinner, our plan is take Kaelyn to the sports park across the street and check out the playground.  There's no point going any earlier since it's still hot outside and there's a little league tournament happening. We'll wait until it's both cooler and quieter.

I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting during lunch on Tuesday.  I'm glad it's only half an hour.  I hate getting on the scale, but I've done good so far this week.  It's not hard.  When I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn't, I just think about having to get on the scale again next week and it's all the motivation I need to resist.  Bye bye baby weight!

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