Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cough** Cough** Cough**

I’ve been sick the last few days…for almost a week now. I go from feeling better to not better by the hour. I spent a majority of the weekend, trying to soothe my aching throat and get rid of my raspy cough. Nothing seems to be working. I can get temporary relief with Theraflu and cough drops, but permanent better-ness seems out of reach so far.

If I didn’t have so much going on at work, I probably would have taken a sick day. If I can just rest for one day, I’d be better, but that’s so hard to do. Not just because of work…but between Kaelyn, Buckeye, Itty, and Roger, I have my hands full. Three out of four of them don’t understand that sometimes I need rest…and they are a lot to handle for one person. Though Roger does try.

I’ve been lethargic and even a little moody all week. Mostly because I get tired so easily. Yesterday, there was a water leak near our building at work and to repair it, the utility companies had to shut off our water. That meant that we got to go home a couple of hours early. I eagerly left to get Kaelyn and decided to make the most of the extra time by making a huge spaghetti dinner…something we’ve all been craving, but I haven’t been feeling well enough to do. Roger was ecstatic when he got home! We had a nice time, but honestly, I couldn’t taste a thing and by the time dinner was over, I was too exhausted to fully enjoy our family time. Roger and Kaelyn loving it was enough for me, but I sure wish I would have been feeling better!

I have to go to Reno tonight…and I’m not really looking forward to it. The work isn’t that bad…just a meeting in the morning and the drive wouldn’t be so bad if the weather was better. It’s just being away from family and not getting to sleep in my bed, or wake up next to my husband. Even though the trip means I can sleep in a little bit and it will be nice not to wake up to a dog licking my face, I would still rather be home. This morning, I was scrambling to finish packing and get myself and Kaelyn ready to leave. Thursdays are the one day that Roger and I don’t leave the house together…because he has a meeting that starts at 0630. So, I get less help from him on these mornings than normal. Because I’ve been sick, I’ve been dragging and I felt like I was running so late…even though I really wasn’t.

Roger was trying to help me out a little bit…even though he was in a rush too, and in the chaos, he ended up taking my cell phone. This would have been ok if he had left his behind. We’ve traded before…but he took that one as well! Luckily, he was able to swing by work and give it back to me, and I got a few extra kisses in before I take off later today…which was nice. The only thing that would have made it better is if Kaelyn was with him…but I loved spending just ten extra minutes with him this morning. It really is the little things!

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