Monday, January 31, 2011

Home and Landscape Expo

We had a really good weekend.  It was Home and Landscape Expo weekend!  This is among one of my favorite things to do in Sacramento.  I just love walking around and getting all the ideas for things we can do in the house.  It used to depress me a little bit to see all the displays and know that we can't afford to do everything.  These days, I'm so content with how things are...and how beautiful Roger has made the house look that I just note the ideas and keep pressing forward with the projects we have lined up.

The downside to the show was the weather.  Cold.  Rainy. Foggy.  And it did put me in a bit of a down mood.  I didn't have the patience for any of the outdoor displays.  So, Vickie, Kaelyn and I went inside and let Roger walk around the outside by himself.  But the show is huge and even though we have our cell phones, I didn't want to put too much distance between me and Roger.  Plus I wanted to see some of the displays with him.  So, we would walk around some, but tried not to get too far.  I feel like I rushed him through some of the outdoor displays because I just wanted to keep moving forward.  I could make an analogy about life here, but I won't.

Another cool thing about the show was that we were able to get four free tickets to a River Cats baseball game.  I don't know yet if we'll invite two friends to go to one game, or go to two different games ourselves.  Vickie has two tickets as well, so regardless of how generous (or not) we feel with out tickets, I know that we can have Vickie come with us.

After the show, we came home for naps.  We had a dinner event later that night and I really wanted all of us to get some rest before then.  As I should have predicted though, that didn't happen.  Kaelyn was in no mood to take a nap and though she eventually did fall asleep, it took a while.  And by the time we put our goodies from the show away, talked to my parents on the phone, and did a load of laundry, it was time to get ready and go.

Anyway, after being out pretty much all day on Saturday, Sunday was very mellow in comparison.  I managed to get a short nap in during one of Kaelyn's and Roger cleaned up the garage, but mostly the three of us did a whole lot of nothing.  Kaelyn did a lot to entertain us.  Everyday, she does something that is cuter than the last.  She is growing so fast.  I can't even call her a baby anymore!  And I'm so proud of her.  After about a year of being downright terrified of the bathtub, the last few weeks, we've finally got her to start enjoying them.  Last night, she even tried to dunk her head underwater! 

I got to spend some good quality alone time with Kae after her bath and I really can't believe how sweet she can be.  During those moments, it's so easy to be grateful for the wonderful family I have. 

Roger, decided to give Buckeye a bath last night too.  I have no idea why, though it may have something to do with Kaelyn throwing her spaghetti on her.  The bath was pure chaos.  She was pretty good during the actual bath part, but had no desire to sit still long enough to be dried off completely or brushed.  I don't know if she was afraid we'd put her back in the tub if we caught her or if it was a game to her, but boy is that dog fast!

After everyone was finally settled down for the night, Roger and I watched a movie and had our hour of "us" time.  It was nice.

I'm really tired this morning, but I have to get ready for work.

'Til next time.

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