Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Easy Week

This is supposed to be an easy week for me. And it is. I'm taking a class for work here locally. So, I get to sleep in and still get home by 4pm. It's nice. Of course, I still have to work and while it's nice to see that things on the project continue to move forward without me...the things that are stalled are stalled regardless of where I am during the day, I still sometimes wish I was at work, where at least I can feel like I'm doing something productive. Still, things are relaxed for us this week. It's almost like a mini vacation.

Thursday night, we get a real treat. A good friend who moved away is coming to dinner along with her daughter(s) and granddaughter. They live here but we've never met in person. Her graddaughter is the same age as Kaelyn...just two months older. I'm looking forward to this for so many reasons. One, we get to see our friend again, who we miss dearly. Two, we get to meet the family she loves so much and three, we get to do this while I cook a yummy dinner...which I love doing!

I'm taking Friday off because it's time for our annual rafting trip. This is the rafting trip on the river that Roger had to save me from several years ago. The save and the river that brought us together as a couple. One day, I will get to tell Kaelyn that story. And I think it's pretty cool that I can pinpoint the moment Roger stopped being my friend and our lives changed forever. I can now take our daughter back there and say "this is the place where I was standing when I realized how wonderful your father is...and our paths converged...and led to you." This memory makes me so happy. Even though it has been unseasonably cool this week and I think this will be the first year we are not rafting in 100 degree weather, I'm still looking forward to this trip...Kaelyn's first camping trip...I'm sure she will do ok, even though I'm just cautiously optimistic.

There's not much else going on. We went shopping with a friend on Sunday. The original plan was to go with our friend's mother, who is remodeling her kitchen. Roger is helping her and she wanted to go to Ikea and look at cabinets. We are considering redoing our closets (especially Kaelyn's) and so I decided to tag along. Turns out that our friend's mother wasn't able to go, but since we found out just an hour before we were supposed to meet, we decided to go anyway. I'm not a huge Ikea fan. I just don't like the modern, small furniture. But, I do love their space saving ideas and their organizational products. I also love their prices. So, while I don't want to go there too often, I still enjoy walking through the store when I do.

There's not really much else to report on. Kaelyn goes to the development clinic on Monday morning. I'm both anxious about it and ready to get it over with. I'm nervous about what they will say...even though I know her development is not least not further than her adjusted age (I think she's ahead of that). I wish this wasn't something I worried so much about...I could enjoy this great week even more. There always seems to be something though...

I have a good life.

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