Sunday, January 31, 2010

Raspy Coughs and Runny Noses

I already mentioned that Roger is sick. He got it from me and I got it somewhere at work. Now Kaelyn is starting to sound a little raspy.

I don't get sick much. I've managed to not be sick for almost 2 years, but last weekend, it hit me...hard. I pretty much spent two days drugged up on mucinex and nyquil but by Monday morning (go figure) felt much, much better. It didn't surprise me when, Wednesday night, Roger told me he was coming down with the same thing...but, what did surprise me is how sick he actually got. By Friday night, he was flat on his back sick. I don't think I've ever seen him that bad. He assured me that 48 hours was all he needed to get through it.

We had plans to go to the Home and Landscape Show at Cal Expo yesterday. It's one of my favorite things to do and I was really looking forward to it. Friday night, I assumed that it wouldn't happen. So, imagine my surprise when Roger woke up yesterday and told me he still wanted to go. I argued that maybe he should rest, instead, but he insisted. Finally, when I reminded him that we could always try again today he relented...and spent the whole day in bed.

I busied myself with things that needed to get done around the house...mainly, laundry. I also decided, that since I still wasn't 100% and Roger was full out sick, that I would make some good old fashioned comfort food for dinner...chicken pot pie! That required a trip to the store for some fresh veggies. It also required that I carefully time my trip after lunch, between feedings, and when Kaelyn was napping.

The afternoon went fast. I decided to try out one of the Baby Einstein DVD's my brother sent Kaelyn for Christmas. I have to say, it really grabbed and kept her, now I'm a fan. After that, Roger and Kaelyn took another nap while I started dinner.

Roger managed to get up to eat, but was right back in bed the second he was done. He did say that his bed rest helped him out and he was starting to feel good. It still remains to be seen if we'll actually make it to the Home show today. I hope so, but at the same time, know that we need to stay healthy. Kaelyn is next (already is coughing) will be the first time she's ever been sick...and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

1 comment:

  1. Katie had it from daycare. She had it for two weeks.
    I got it and all I can figure is that because we were webcamming it was a COMPUTER VIRUS.
    I went skiing with my bros. I was going to try cross country skiing. Not to be!!!!!!!! I was sick in the condo the whole week.
    Like Roger, I never get these things for any length of time. Good to see you have a blog.
