Monday, November 15, 2010


No worries…we are not moving!)

So much for a relaxing weekend. It wasn’t that bad, (at least I didn’t have to clean or do laundry), but it was far from relaxing. Roger worked late on Friday…finishing up a job before he started a new one today. Kaelyn and I spent a few hours together, eating dinner and playing. It was nice, but she’s gotten to be quite a handful in the last few days. She’s climbing now and into everything. She also craves constant attention. I’m not sure if she’s just bored with the toys we have in our family room for her to play with or not…she used to be so content just sitting on the floor playing with her toys and stacking her blocks. She loves it when we play with her, but never demanded it. Now, she won’t play by herself for longer than five minutes (and that’s stretching it). I can’t make a phone call, check email, or cook dinner without her whining for me to play with her or getting into something she shouldn’t. I think I’m going to try to switch out her toys to ones she hasn’t played with yet and see if that keeps her more engaged…at least for the times that I’m not able to devote all my attention to her. Also, she’s teething…which is not helping her mood…or mine.

Anyway, Roger got home after Kaelyn was in bed, and he and I got a chance to hang out a little bit before I fell asleep on the couch. We were up early on Saturday and where we normally sit around and do nothing until close to lunchtime, had to leave shortly after breakfast to go help L and E (newlyweds) move. I had briefly considered staying home with Kaelyn since she’s so energetic. I was sure that she would want to be into everything…and I was right. I let Roger talk me into going. We brought over Kaelyn’s pack-n-play and since it was close to her morning nap, I had attempted to just get her to sleep. No such luck. She was content to sit and play for a little while, but didn’t appreciate the fact that there was a house full of people and no one was paying attention solely to her. I managed to get her to sleep once the guys had left to get more furniture and E and I were alone…we were somewhat productive but it didn’t last long. Once the guys got back and we settled down for lunch, Roger let Kaelyn crawl around. That was the end of her being good. She took another pretty long nap in the afternoon, but that was after at least two hours of me chasing her around (or listening to her cry in the pack-n-play) while I was trying to help E get things organized.

Sunday wasn’t much better as far as Kaelyn’s behavior went…or my ability to relax. We went shopping and I’m happy to say that not only did I get the earliest start I’ve ever had on Christmas shopping (knocking quite a few off my list yesterday), but we got some amazing deals. Kaelyn had one episode where sitting in the stroller just wasn’t cutting it for her. And I guess I can understand that sitting still for several hours is hard when you’re so full of energy. We took a short break and let her run around the play area for a bit and that did enough to sufficiently wear her out and get her to nap. She woke up, still in her stroller, but in a much better mood than before. Back at home, she just wouldn’t sit still and while I know I can’t expect too much from a 13 month old who just learned to climb, I so wish she would have given us just 10 minutes of peace! Instead, she would cruise up to me and Roger and cry until we paid attention to her. I did eventually give up on relaxing and got down on the floor and played, which was so rewarding. She’s so engaging and fun! I just wish I could find a way to keep her content during the times that I can’t play with her! By the time she went to bed, I could barely stay awake…I think I lasted another hour tops!


It has occurred to me that I didn’t cook this weekend (except for breakfast on Sunday morning). This is odd for me and may be the reason why I didn’t feel very relaxed and rested (aside from Kaelyn). Cooking is therapeutic for me. I get lost in it and it definitely de-stresses me. I wonder why I let a whole weekend pass without making anything? That is so unlike me…


The alarm went off at 3:30 this morning and I was out of bed by 4. Roger was already awake…for at least an hour before me. He was not in bed when I had the pleasure of waking up to our cat, Itty Bitty, sneezing all over my face. (I really need to get her to the vet). Roger had to be at work by 6:30 this morning and since my car is STILL in the shop, he’s also stuck driving me to work. We had to leave home by 5:15 to get Kaelyn to the sitter…which is about a 40 minute drive from our house….then get back across town to go to our respective work places. I did not like the early morning. Not because I didn’t like getting up that early or leaving home that early, but because for the first time ever, Kaelyn wasn’t awake while I was getting ready for work. Even though I could be so much more efficient with her sleeping, our mornings are so joyful as we get ready and play and interact with her. I missed her this morning and was sad that I got to spend very little time with her (just a quick kiss goodbye after we dropped her off). If it turns out that Roger needs to be at work by 6: 30 every morning, then I will change my schedule to allow me to be at work a little bit later, so that I can leave at my normal time to drop her off and still get my morning time with her (I currently never drop her off..though sometimes have to pick her up). Our other option is to find child care closer to home, which will be tough since our current sitter is so awesome and totally worth the drive.

I really need my car back.

We are helping another friend move this weekend. Just to a different place in our city. She has mixed emotions about the move…it’s both for good and not so good reasons. I hope I can be the friend she needs through this transition.

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